International Digestive Endoscopy Network-IDEN Turkish
03 Ekim - 04 Ekim 2019
Ankara, Türkiye
Dear Colleagues;
With great pleasure we would like to invite you to the IDEN-Turkish in Ankara. The IDEN-Turkish consists of two days of didactic/interactive lectures and live endoscopy sessions covering all key topics relating to ESD. Top ESD experts coming from Korea, Turkey and the rest of the world will participate as guest faculty. They will share their vision on this technique as an essential tool for the management of early gastrointestinal tract neoplasias. Two experts will work in two parallel rooms at the same time and participants can attend both of them. During live performances experts will give tips on endoscopic diagnosis and ESD technique. Through these activities at IDEN, we aim not only to promote gastrointestinal-related science, but also to contribute to the welfare of our citizens by improving the quality of gastrointestinal diagnosis and treatment and friendship in our countries. On the other hand, we are honoured because of second joint meeting with Korea-Turkey.
The faculty, our team, the congress organization and we warmly welcome you!
Professor Serhat Bor
President of Turkish Society of GastroenterologyProfessor Kubilay Çınar
President of Local Organization CommitteProfessor Cengiz Pata
President of Turkish
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Society
2019 Tıp Kongreleri Kategorisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
- Türk Nöroşirürji Derneği Stereotaktik Fonksiyonel Ağrı ve Epilepsi Cerrahisi Öğretim ve Eğitim Grubu Sempozyumu
15 Mart - 17 Mart 2019, Antalya - 3. Geriatrik Onkoloji Sempozyumu
09 Kasım 2019, İzmir - ATUDER Kıbrıs Acil Tıp Sempozyumu 2019
06 Nisan - 07 Nisan 2019, K.K.T.C. - 15. Geleneksel Herget Nöralterapi ve Tamamlayıcı Tıp Sempozyumu
12 Ekim - 13 Ekim 2019, İstanbul - 5. Hastane Öncesi Acil Sağlık Hizmetlerinde Resüsitasyon Sempozyumu-RESÜSİST 2019
16 Mart 2019, Adana
Kongre Otelleri
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