8. International Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing-ICMMM 2021
25 September - 27 September 2021
Washington, USA
On behalf of the Organizing Committees of 2021 8th International Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing (ICMMM 2021), we cordially invite you to participate in this event to be held in Washington, USA from September 25-27, 2021, co-sponsored by Capitol Technology University, USA, with its workshop TMAE 2021. ICMMM aims to provide a platform for scholars, engineers, and scientists to present robust research demonstrating the expanding frontiers in the fields of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing. The past seven events were held in Chengdu (China, 2014), Paris (France, 2015), Savannah (USA, 2016), Atlanta (USA, 2017), Orlando (USA, 2018), Boston (USA, 2019), Virtual Conference (2020) successively.
Special gratitude would be extended to all keynotes speakers and TPC members for their technical advices, and to all the scholars and experts in this field for eager supports.
For the 8th conference in Washington, the Organizing Committees expects and firmly believes that attendees from all over the world would be harvested academically and enjoy USA customs and practices.
ICMMM Organizing Committees
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