
8. International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology and The 9. International Symposium on Functional Materials


17 January - 20 January 2021


Jeju, Korea



The Joint Conference on the 8th International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology (ICMAP) and the 9th International Symposium on Functional Materials (ISFM) is going On/Off-line Hybrid Conference on January 17 ~ 20, 2021. (ONLY small number of attendee can hear at the conference site under strict conditions.)

The 8th ICMAP is initiated to provide an open forum for the discussion of the current status of scientific and technological achievements in the various fields of plasma applied research and developments including microelectronic devices. The 9th ISFM is a biennial multidisciplinary meeting bring together scientists, researchers, and engineering applications of functional materials, and will cover a broad spectrum of key topics related to energy, environmental, biomedical, electronic and nanostructure materials.

On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to express our warmest welcome to all of you who are participating in The 8th ICMAP & The 9th ISFM. We sincerely hope that all the participants have valuable time to have profound and useful discussions and also make long-lasting friendships with other participants and renowned researchers.

We thank you for your participation in advance and look forward to meeting you at The 8th ICMAP & The 9th ISFM!

Conference Chairs of The 8th ICMAP & The 9th ISFM
Suk Jae Yoo (KFE, Korea)
Jin-Hyo Boo (Sungkyunkwan Univ., Korea)

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