International Conference on Smart Transportation and Future Mobility-CSTFM 2021
17 September - 19 September 2021
Frankfurt, Germany
I am pleased to extend my warmest greetings to everyone participating the 2021 International Conference on Smart Transportation and Future Mobility (CSTFM 2021) which will be held in Frankfurt, Germany on September 17-19, 2021.
Organized by the International Academy of Science and Engineering for Development (IASED), CSTFM 2021 will be commenced by creating an amalgamated global platform where enthusiastic researches, policymakers, stakeholders, and intellectual scholars getting together for a common purpose of identifying the challenges and issues in Smart Transportation and Future Mobility and sustainable methods to solve the particular issues by their combined research findings.
CSTFM 2021 will bring all participants an unique experience of stimulating, informative presentations and enjoyable networking opportunities.
On behalf of Organizing Committee, I welcome everyone in attendance to enjoy the three-day journey!
Prof. Dusan Teodorovic
Conference Chair of CSTFM 2021
On be half of Organizing Committee
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