SEAMEO Congress 2021
28 April - 29 April 2021
The SEAMEO Congress 2021 for Education, Science and Culture in Southeast Asia, hosted by Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) together with the Ministry of Education of Thailand brings together diverse education actors and stakeholders representing the governments of SEAMEO Member Countries as well as public and private educational institutions and agencies. The SEAMEO Congress 2021 serves a platform for the policymakers, teachers, researchers, and educators to exchange the effective policy, fruitful teaching experience and share new learning paradigms and practices in the digital age. The education disruptions due to the COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in the golden age of distance learning and flexible learning options forced by unprecedented school closures and lockdowns among all member countries. Exchanging the perspectives on the global and current issues affecting Southeast Asian Countries is the best platform to learn and build regional consensus on how Education, Science and Culture transformation can effectively contribute towards the promotion of human development at the community, country and at the regional level.
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