7. International Conference on Learning and Teaching-ICLT 2021
14 April - 16 April 2021
Macau, China
Welcome to the official website of The 2021 7th International Conference on Learning and Teaching-ICLT 2021, which will be held in Macau, China on April 14-16, 2021
In the 21st century, the provision of education that relates to an individual’s interests, needs, expectations and global expectations is gaining importance day by day. Moreover, the match between an individual’s characteristics with the environment in which learning takes place, together with the management of those learning environments are also important. In this framework, The conference focuses on the unique challenges of learning and teaching in multi-cultural contexts in universities and high schools and on innovative and emergent practices that are informed by pragmatic scholarship. So, we invite all colleagues, researchers, academicians, graduate students, teachers and project leaders around the world to submit their original research articles and review papers to this international conference.
Notes: If the conference cannot be held on time due to the force majeure such as politics, weather and disasters, the organizer shall have the right to postpone or cancel the conference. Participants are required to comply with the organizer's arrangements and refund policy.
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