ESER Annual Scientific Meeting 2023
KONGRE TARİHİ14 Eylül - 15 Eylül 2023
İstanbul, Türkiye
Radisson Hotel Şişli
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
It is a great pleasure and honor to welcome you to the Annual Meeting of the European Society of Emergency Radiology in Istanbul, Turkey, being held from September 14-15, 2023.
Emergency Radiology is the tool with which we deal with any type of emergency, as unfortunately the great emergencies of recent years have also shown us, from the pandemic to earthquakes to wars.
Our Annual Meeting offers the opportunity to update on common and uncommon subjects of Emergency Radiology.
This year’s programme has been carefully created by the Board of our Society and by renowned Turkish colleagues, all of whom have made valuable contributions to the preparation of this meeting to ensure a varied and broad range of topics. Furthermore, for the second time after Rome’s meeting, we will have the opportunity to share our experiences with colleagues from the American Society of Emergency Radiology. The scientific programme will include educational lectures, interactive quiz cases, workshops that will count towards the European Diploma of Emergency Radiology (EDER), scientific presentations, educational exhibits and case report presentations that will be selected through a peer review of abstracts.
We look forward to providing you an unforgettable Emergency Radiology meeting in Istanbul.
Sincerely yours
Raffaella BASILICO
Chair of the Scientific Programme Committee
ESER Past President
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Kategori İçerisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
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