9. International Lymphoedema Framework Conference

13 June - 15 June 2019

Chicago, USA
It is an honour and a pleasure to invite you to participate in the 9th International Lymphoedema Framework Conference, which will be held from 13 till 15 June 2019 in Chicago, USA. We are proud to announce that the International Lymphoedema Framework (ILF) and the American Lymphedema Framework Project (ALFP) will host this conference.

The scientific committee, consisting of representatives both from ILF and ALFP, is working on a programme for the 9th International Lymphoedema Framework Conference that will be of relevance for both healthcare professionals, patients, researchers as well as industry. You can find more information about the principal topics for the conference here.

With the 9th International Lymphoedema Conference, we aim to achieve a greater awareness of the condition and treatment throughout the world, and to ensure that lymphoedema becomes a priority on the national health care agenda everywhere.

We look forward to seeing you in Chicago!

Best regards,
On behalf of the ALFP and the ILF Board

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