17. ECHA Conference of The European Council for High Ability 2021
31 August - 02 September 2021
Dear all,
I am pleased to invite you to participate in this scientific event: the 17th ECHA Conference of the European Council for High Ability. The conference will be organised by the Portuguese Association for Gifted Children - APCS in partnership with the Higher School of Education of Paula Frassinetti located in Porto, Portugal.
This conference aims to define force lines in the educational policy field, to promote a higher level of scientific knowledge, to share innovative action models and to enhance, in this field, the combination of educational efforts in the European Union and at world level.
The conference will bring together scientists in this domain of interest from around the world.
We look forward to your participation !
Helena Serra
17th ECHA Conference Local Chair Person
APCS - Portuguese Association for Gifted Children
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