6. International Conference on Smart City Applications-SCA 2021
27 Ekim - 29 Ekim 2021
The Sixth International Conference on Smart City Applications is a multidisciplinary forum co-organized by the Computer Engineering Department of Karabuk University (KBÜ) in the partnership with Mediterranean Association of Sciences and Technologies (Medi-AST). Since the current situation, this year, SCA will take place as VIRTUAL / ONLINE from 27 to 29 October 2021. The event aims to bring together research scientists and engineers to discuss and exchange both experimental and theoretical results, novel designs, case studies, and trend-setting ideas in the area of smart cities. The conference covers any topic with an intersection with smart cities, including geo-smart information systems, education, healthcare, economy and digital business, building and home automation, environment and agriculture, and information technologies and computer science. The Conference encourages submission of original works presenting novel research results and new products or concepts are encouraged for submission. But also works in progress.
2021 Mühendislik Kongreleri Kategorisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
- 14. Ulusal 2. Uluslararası Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi 2021
09 Aralık - 11 Aralık 2021, Online - 1. International Conference on Computing and Machine Intelligence-ICMI 2021
19 Şubat - 20 Şubat 2021, Online - Uluslararası Elektrik Elektronik ve Haberleşme Kongresi-ICELECC 2021
25 Kasım - 26 Kasım 2021, Online - 2. Uluslararası 12. Ulusal Gıda Mühendisliği Kongresi
25 Kasım - 27 Kasım 2021, Ankara - 5. International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences-CMES 2021
08 Haziran - 10 Haziran 2021, Van
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