Innovative Approaches in Additive Manufacturing Congress-IA4AM
KONGRE TARİHİ16 Temmuz 2021
Ankara, Türkiye
Dear Colleagues,
Innovative Approaches in Additive Manufacturing Congress (IA4AM) will be organized as a hybrid (both online and face to face) on July 16th 2021. Face to face sessions will be held in Ankara-Turkey for those who wish to make a face to face presentation at the congress.
The congress organized with EU funds is free of charge for the participants.
The congress is carried out as an event of an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Project (2018-1-TR01-KA203-059739) carried out by a consortium of 6 countries (Turkey, Italy, Romania, Poland, Czech, Malta). The aim of the project is to establish an education curriculum for comman rapid prototyping among the engineering faculties at which rapid prototyping education is given. The sessions will be held for the RP curriculum developed for RP courses taught at engineering faculties in EU countries within the scope of the Erasmus + HE strategic partnership project.
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Kategori İçerisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
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22 Eylül - 24 Eylül 2021, Online - 20. Ulusal Makina Teorisi Sempozyumu-UMTS 2021
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