3. ESM-EVBO Meeting 2019

15 April - 18 April 2019

Maastricht, Netherlands
Improving vascular health is an important goal to pursue, as cardio-vascular diseases account for almost half of all deaths in Europe. Disturbances in normal (micro)vascular biology are at the basis of many diseases. From classical cardiovascular diseases, like myocardial infarction and stroke, to cardiometabolic diseases, like dementia, cognitive decline, heart failure, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, hypertension, and to cancer, post-surgical tissue regeneration, and wound healing. This broad range of diseases clearly underlines the need to expand our knowledge on the basic mechanisms underlying the disturbances in normal (micro)vascular biology. With this conference we aim to address many aspects of these mechanisms through state-of-the-art symposia and workshops.

From April 15 to 18, 2019 we welcome you to Maastricht, one of the oldest and certainly most beautiful cities of the Netherlands. Maastricht has for many years a strong basis in cardiovascular research in the CARIM School for Cardiovascular Diseases, which is one of the largest cardiovascular research institutes in Europe.

This, together with the warm and hospitable atmosphere of Maastricht will ensure an exciting and fruitful stay.

On behalf of the national organizers:

Jaap van Buul, Ed Eringa, Stephan Huveneers, and Guido Krenning.

Boy Houben
President of ESM

Judith Sluimer
EVBO Council Officer

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