
19. World Congress of Neurosurgery-WFNS 2025


07 September - 11 September 2025


Madrid, Spain



Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It is with a great honor and responsibility that we want to offer to the neurosurgeons around the world the possibility to meet in MADRID for the XIX WFNS WORLD CONGRESS of NEUROSURGERY.

Our organizing committee will work very hard to guarantee that you all have the best neurosurgical educational and social experience ever at a world congress. We hope Madrid give us all the excuse to meet as the old days and enjoy everybody´s company leaving all disputes well behind all of us.

The Congress will be held from the 7th to the 11th of September 2025 and will include satellite courses and a global symposium on the 6th & 7th of September.

The WFNS has pioneered the help for Low & Middle income countries (LMIC) providing, through the WFNS Foundation, equipment, training and economic support. The foundation was created, amongst others by Dr Gerardo Martin and is in his honor we have decided to use as a congress theme “Improving connectivity for Humanity”. Our intention is to evaluate hybrid training programs with residents in LMIC and top residency programs around the world, with the assistance not only from the WFNS but also through all our continental societies with specific educational neurosurgical goals. Uniting all efforts in one is, we believe, the best way forward in trying to standardize neurosurgical training and care around the world.

Gathering recognized experts from around the world, we will have ample space for discussion of the most modern neurosurgical approaches and techniques. Furthermore, keynote addresses by leading neurosurgeons, scientists, writers and artists will present us with the latest analyses and advances on the most relevant topics in the world of neurosurgery and science.

On behalf of the organizing committee we accept this challenge with the responsibility it deserve and we can only hope that this will be a lifetime experience personal, professional and socially, that will last forever in your memories.

Jesus Lafuente MD, PhD, FRCS Ed,
President of the organizing committee for the XIX World congress of Neurosurgery, Madrid

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