16. Congress of The Cell Transplant and Regenerative Medicine Society

21 September - 25 September 2019

Lesvos, Greece
We are excited to invite you to our 2019 meeting of the Cell Transplant and Regenerative Medicine Society to be held in the beautiful and historical city of Mytilene, Lesvos. Lesvos is the third biggest island of Greece and seventh in the Mediterranean. Lesvos is filled with unique geological monuments and landforms, such as volcanoes, thermal springs, fossiliferous sites such as Sigri’s petrified forest, caves, waterfalls and much more. From ancient times to the present day, Lesvos has always been an island of distinct historic, intellectual and cultural significance.

We have symbolically selected Lesvos because of the local people’s generosity to humanity with the Syrian refugees. By opening their hearts, the people of Lesvos have sent a very powerful message that humanity towers above nations, race or religion. The people of Lesvos are providing life and regeneration to displaced humanity as is the goal of CTRMS scientists and clinicians at a subcellular and cellular level.

For the first time in the history of our Society we are having our bi-annual meeting in Greece. We are excited to bring together international transplant professionals, world-renowned scientists and keen young investigators to participate in this meeting. Participants will meet to share the latest discoveries in the fields of cell transplantation as well as regenerative medicine.

On behalf of CTRMS, we invite you to join us at our 2019 CTRMS meeting that will be filled with a wealth of scientific knowledge on the beautiful island of Lesvos.

Look forward to seeing you all in September 21-25th 2019.

President & Congress Co-Chair

Congress Chair

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