10. Arab Diabetes Forum 2019

02 October - 04 October 2019

Cairo, Egypt
We’d like to personally welcome each one of you to the 10th Arab Diabetes Forum (ADF). It’s an exciting time for the ADF board as we continue to grow, adapt and stay motivated and responsive to new ideas.

The world of diabetes is an exciting area of study, and we’ll continue to meet and bring inspired people together in forums like this to ensure our (ADF) remains at the cutting edge.

In the next few days of the conference, we’d like to discuss the newest evidences in the field of diabetes, sharing our knowledge to improve our capabilities to meet the challenges of the pandemic. We in the ADF are all very proud of the results of our cross-sectional prevalence study of Ramadan Real Practice (RRP) in our area (Egypt & Sudan), which will be declared on Wednesday, October 2nd.

We’d like to thank all of you for attending our forum and bringing your expertise to our gathering; you are truly our greatest asset, and we could not accomplish what we do without your support. Our personal respect and thanks go out to all of you.

Prof. Abbas Orabi
Prof. Ali Abdel Rahim

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