1. International Erciyes Agriculture Animal and Food Sciences Conference
24 Nisan - 27 Nisan 2019
Kayseri, Türkiye
Erciyes Üniversitesi
We are happy to announce 1st International Erciyes Agriculture, Animal and Food Sciences Conference that will be held in 24-27 April 2019 in Erciyes University, Kayseri-Turkiye.
Aim and Objective
The central aim of this conference is to share knowledge and results in agriculture, animal and food sciences. This conference offers academic researchers, developers and practitioners an opportunity to discuss various aspects of these areas. We are very pleased to invite all researchers to join us by sending high quality studies.Benefits
This Conference will provide a forum for Faculty Members, Engineers and Scientists in academic industry and research institute to address the resulting profound challenges and to present and discuss their new ideas, research results, applications and experience on all fields of agriculture, animal and food sciences.Expected Outcome
The proceeding of the conference will be of immense use to the participants. In this conference, academician, technocrats and researchers will get an opportunity to interact with eminent persons in all fields of agriculture, animal and food sciences. The topics to be covered in this International Conference are comprehensive and will be adequate for developing and understanding about new developments and emerging trends in these areas. The interaction between the participants and the experts who will be presenting their experiences and expertise will be fruitful and objective especially for faculty and students. The presence of eminent scientists, national and international, at a single platform will help in forming networks to facilitate solving inter-disciplinary research problems.
2019 Tarım ve Ziraat Kongreleri Kategorisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
- 3. Tarım ve Gıda Politikaları Konferansı
05 Kasım - 06 Kasım 2019, Adana - 8. Ulusal Bitki Besleme ve Gübre Kongresi
12 Mart - 15 Mart 2019, Antalya - 7. Uluslararası Entomopatojenler ve Mikrobiyal Mücadele Kongresi
11 Eylül - 13 Eylül 2019, Kayseri - 1. Uluslararası Tarım Gıda Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi Kongresi-TURJAF 2019
08 Kasım - 10 Kasım 2019, Antalya - International Conference on Agronomy and Food Science and Technology-AgroFood
20 Haziran - 21 Haziran 2019, İstanbul
Kongre Otelleri
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