World Congress of Gastroenterology-WCOG 2019
21 Eylül - 24 Eylül 2019
İstanbul, Türkiye
İstanbul Kongre Merkezi
Dear Colleagues,
We would like invite and encourage you to attend World Congress of Gastroenterology where the continents meet in Istanbul, in 21-24 September, 2019. This meeting will be organized with World Gastroenterology Organisation and Turkish Society of Gastroenterology.
Istanbul, the only city in the world built on two continents, has a strategic setting forming the city’s destiny as an imperial capital for nearly 1600 years, for Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman Empires. This metropolis proud of its rich history and unequalled natural beauty offers a friendly welcome and genuine hospitality. It will be hard to imagine a more historic part of the world as a focal point for the meetings and congresses in Istanbul. Seated on the Bosphorus, some of the most fascinating history will unfold before your eyes, as you visit this magnificent city.
Recent years have seen dramatic developments in the clinical investigation of digestive function. In relation with those developments, WGO-TSG Istanbul 2019 Meeting will include keynote presentations, oral presentations, poster presentations, and exhibitions.
We look forward to welcoming you at this excellent meeting in 2019. Yours sincerely.
Serhat Bor
President, TSG
Co-Chair, 2019 Joint Steering
CommitteeCihan Yurdaydın
President, WGO
Co-Chair, 2019 Joint Steering
2019 Tıp Kongreleri Kategorisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
- Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi 4. İntörn Hekimlik Kongresi
24 Nisan - 25 Nisan 2019, İzmir - 14. Ulusal Endoskopik Laparoskopik Cerrahi Kongresi
19 Nisan - 23 Nisan 2019, K.K.T.C. - Adult Degenerative Scoliosis Meeting 2019
08 Mart - 09 Mart 2019, İstanbul - Dijital Dünyada Tıp Eğitimine Eğitici ve Öğrenci Gözüyle Bakış Sempozyumu
11 Mayıs 2019, Ankara - 7. Ulusal Ergen Sağlığı Kongresi
22 Mart - 24 Mart 2019, Ankara içeriklerine ve tüm rapor ekranlarına sınırsız erişim için abonelik paketlerimizi inceleyebilirsiniz.
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