WIN Symposium 2019

23 June - 24 June 2019

Paris, France
We are warmly inviting you to attend the WIN 2019 symposium dedicated to Innovation and global deployment of Precision Oncology that will take place on 23-24 June, 2019 in Paris, France.

Innovation and worldwide deployment of Precision Oncology were the aspirational goals of Dr. John Mendelsohn, founder and chairman of WIN and Prof. Waun Ki Hong, special advisor to WIN for lung cancer. Their recent deaths leave us deeply saddened.

We are proud to provide leadership to the WIN Consortium as chairman and vice-chairman and are excited about the challenge and privilege to continue the work started by these two great giants in oncology.

For the WIN Symposium 2019 we have gathered renowned experts across the world including Jennifer A. Doudna, co-inventor of the gene-editing technology, CRISPR/Cas9, who will present a talk on this "crack in creation" and the complex ethics of genetic manipulation. Other speakers will be Jennifer A. Ligibel, Razelle Kurzrock, Apostolia-Maria Tsimberidou, Christophe Le Tourneau, Phillip G. Febbo, Andrew Mortlock and Jean-François Martini and many others to discuss both the latest discoveries as well as the real world experience of Precision Oncology.

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