
Turkish-Japanese Innovation Summit 2019


09 Nisan 2019


İstanbul, Türkiye


Intercontinental Hotel



“Turkish-Japanese Innovation Summit”,which is curated by AOTS Turkey (Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnership, Japan) will be organized by STEAM -Strategic Technical Economic Research Center,with their participation of His Excellency Akio MIYAJIMA, the Ambassador of Japan on April 9, 2019 at İstanbul. Japan assumed the presidency of G20 as of 2019 choosed “UN Sustinable Development Goals for Society 5.0” as one of the focused subjects at G20 meeting which will be held in Tokyo. These subjects will be evaluated during this summit.

By bringing together Japanese and Turkish private sector representatives and investors, this summit aims to create a possibility to exchange high-quality ideas, tap into new opportunities for partnerships and follow up on technological developments, all the while presenting new investment and collaboration opportunities to the business world.

The Summit is organized within the scope of the 60th anniversary of the AOTS (The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships), which is one of the institutions of the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Industry (METI).

The summit will also include a panel discussion in the memory of Mr. Sakip SABANCI who has made great contributions to the development of Turkish-Japanese industry cooperation. The two countries will be a value creating and innovation focused platform for the development of economic and commercial relations.

It also aims to bring the business world together before the Free Trade Agreement, which is expected to be signed between the two countries in 2019, and will also be a meeting platform for the development of economic relations.

In 2003 “The Year of Turkey in Japan” and in 2010 “Japanese Year in Turkey” celebrated as a developing friendship between the two countries, despite the geographical distance, friendship becomes stronger with each passing day.

The relations crowned by raising the level of Strategic Partnership in 2013, will continue to grow at an even faster pace in 2019, which will be celebrated as “Turkish Year in Japan 2019”.Two friendly countries with a trade volume of more than $ 4 billion,will have a more increasing economic potential.

We wish you to honor our important event 2019 Turkish-Japanese Innovation Summit.

Sincerely yours,

Conference Chairman

President of AOTS Turkey

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