The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists 54. Annual Scientific Congress-RANZCO 2023
20 October - 23 October 2023
Perth, Australia
RANZCO’s 54th Congress is headed West! What better way to immerse yourself in the latest updates to general ophthalmic practice than the surrounds of sandy beaches, stunning parks and the gorgeous swan river?
Located on the traditional lands of the Whadjuk Noongar people, where Aboriginal Australians have lived for at least 45,000 years, Perth is a wonderful place to visit. The sun is always shining in Western Australia where you can enjoy outdoor time before and after the Congress program – whether it be a leisurely stroll in the beautiful Kings Park or a run along the Swan River. In the days proceeding and following Congress, we encourage you to take in the many and varied sites of Western Australia with a visit to the wineries of the local Swan Valley or further afield in the world-class Margaret River wine region, Rottnest Island or Southern Coast.
The Congress itself will feature speakers from around Australia, Singapore, the US and UK talking on a range of topics, including refractive, glaucoma, neuro-ophthalmology, retina and cataract. Courses, papers, posters, films and novel presentations will fill out the rest of the robust scientific program. There will also be a range of lectures on topics on complementary topics, like business skills and education.
We are excited to welcome you to Perth in 2023, for RANZCO’s 54th Annual Scientific Congress. See you soon!
Antony Clark and Hannah Forward
RANZCO 2023 Congress Convenors
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