The 2022 International Congress of ILTS ELITA and LICAGE
04 Mayıs - 07 Mayıs 2022
İstanbul, Türkiye
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to join us at the 2022 Joint International Congress of ILTS, ELITA & LICAGE in Istanbul, Turkey, May 4-7, 2022. The Congress connects the world of liver transplantation, and we are proud of its reputation for the quality of science, its international flavor and its strong multi-disciplinary approach.
The continuous development of the Congress is an ILTS priority. In 2022, you can look forward to a robust scientific program, giving you valuable input for your day-to-day practice. Special formats like the Pre-meeting Symposium, Meet the Experts Sessions, and workshops will enhance the educational content of the Congress. Attending ILTS 2022 will allow you to discuss the latest advances in the care of liver transplantation patients and receive state-of-the-art updates in clinical and basic science.
Why Istanbul? Istanbul is changing – it is dynamic, it is curious and diverse – many of the characteristics of the ILTS Congress. Turkey is one of the world leaders in living liver donor transplantation, and there is much to learn. East really does meet west in Istanbul.
We are looking forward to seeing you face to face – Let’s Meet in Istanbul!
2022 Tıp Kongreleri Kategorisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
- HIV-AIDS Farkındalık Günü Simpozyumu
03 Aralık 2022, Kocaeli - 18. Uludağ İç Hastalıkları Ulusal Kış Kongresi
03 Mart - 06 Mart 2022, Bursa - 22. Türk Klinik Mikrobiyoloji ve İnfeksiyon Hastalıkları Kongresi-KLİMİK 2022
09 Mart - 12 Mart 2022, Antalya - 11. Ercan Tuncel Uludağ Radyoloji Günleri
14 Mayıs - 15 Mayıs 2022, Online - 2. Uluslararası Ahi Evran Tıp ve Sağlık Bilimleri Kongresi-IAMHC 2022
17 Kasım - 19 Kasım 2022, Kırşehir içeriklerine ve tüm rapor ekranlarına sınırsız erişim için abonelik paketlerimizi inceleyebilirsiniz.
Online ödeme kolaylığı ile...ÜYE OLMAK İÇİN TIKLAYINIZ