The 13. International Conference on Key Engineering Materials-ICKEM 2023
24 Mart - 26 Mart 2023
İstanbul, Türkiye
The Conference Committee is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for The 12th International Conference on Key Engineering Materials. We invite all those wishing to participate to submit a proposal to present their work, which can be a lecture, a workshop, a poster exhibition, or special session, addressing the Key Engineering Materials through one of the official topics.
Previous ICKEM meetings were held in Sanya (China), Singapore, Kota Kinabalu (Malaysia), Bali (Indonesia), Singapore, Hong Kong, Penang (Malaysia), Osaka (Japan), Oxford (United Kingdom) and Madrid (Virtual), Moscow (Virtual), Udine, Italy(Virtual) from 2011 to 2022. With the experience of running successful events in the ICKEM series over the past 11 years, we are confident that 2023 will witness an even greater success of the 13th edition of ICKEM during March 24-26, 2023, which is sponsored by Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey.
2023 Mühendislik Kongreleri Kategorisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
- International Conference on Advanced Engineering Technology and Applications-ICAETA 2023
10 Mart - 11 Mart 2023, Online - 42. Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği Ulusal Kongresi-YAEM 2023
01 Kasım - 03 Kasım 2023, Gaziantep - International Conference on Academic Studies in Science Engineering and Technology-ICASET 2023
21 Aralık - 24 Aralık 2023, İstanbul - 5. International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction Optimization and Robotic Applications-HORA 2023
08 Haziran - 10 Haziran 2023, İstanbul - 12. International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Service Systems-IMSS 2023
26 Mayıs - 28 Mayıs 2023, İstanbul

Online (Çevrim içi)
olarak düzenlenecek olan kongre ve sempozyumlara farklı arama seçenekleri ile kolayca ulaşabilirsiniz.