SSAI Annual Congress 2019

05 September - 06 September 2019

Lugano, Switzerland
Dear Colleagues,

With great pleasure I welcome you to Lugano, for the SSAI ANNUAL CONGRESS 2019, jointly organized with the VIRAL IMMUNITY SYMPOSIUM.

For many diseases the available treatments remain insufficient, emphasizing the need for improvements. Immune dysregulation is the reason for numerous health disorders. Besides allergies, this applies to states of autoimmune and malignant diseases, immune deficiencies, complications during infections and transplantation, and a good number of further health problems. Fortunately, the steady innovations and advancements in science and medicine are impressive. Many therapies are successful because they correct the underlying immune dysregulation. In addition, diseases can be prevented via immune interventions: vaccinations safeguard us from future infections, and novel immunization approaches can also protect us from harmful molecules of our own body. Thus, medical immune interventions contribute to a better balance of the organisms’ outside and inside.

The organizing and scientific committees of the joint Lugano meeting have made great and fruitful efforts for a rich experience. Our faculty and collaborators volunteered their precious time and talents to design and realize this exciting event. Common plenary and parallel sessions cover a broad spectrum of topics. In addition to the scientific program, I would like to encourage you to participate at the discussions, get-togethers and social events, including the congress dinner that will take place at the wonderful location of the LAC. I wish you lots of opportunities to spend good times among colleagues.

We gather because we share many interests and profit from the substantial input from many members and colleagues. Thanks to their expert contributions, SSAI has reached the today’s high ranked level of importance and recognition, an excellent basis for further developments in the coming years.

The great offerings of this meeting would not be possible without the dedication of our Sponsors and the professional organizers. I highly appreciate the dedication of all contributors, and thank them sincerely.

The congress will certainly promote abundant reflections and hopefully bring much satisfaction from the innovative science and the improved patient care. Let us celebrate the breakthroughs, and dream of a brighter future. Medical progress in our field requires the best minds to discover trailblazing frontiers in science. I know that it cannot be done without you who are the champions of research and medicine in our fields.

I express you my heartfelt thanks, for the significant impact of your hard work, leadership, and support of SSAI’s mission.

I wish you productive and joyful hours in Lugano and beyond.

With best regards

Professor Daniel Speiser
President SSAI

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