International Medical Records Congress
03 Aralık - 05 Aralık 2021
Dear colleagues,
The extraordinary conditions created by the COVID-19 pandemic and affecting the whole world are increasingly continuing. For this reason, we would like to inform you that we do not have the opportunity to make our congress, which will be the first one this year, face to face.
Our congress, which will be held with the theme of current issues in the field of Medicine and Health Sciences, will be held online. The main purpose of our congress is; to contribute to the development of the fields of medicine and health sciences, to share current developments and experiences in these fields, to increase communication and cooperation between health professionals and to bring together scientists at the international level.
We think that our congress will be an important platform that brings our friends who are devoted to this field together to share and discuss the latest developments in professional and scientific terms. Within this platform, a wide range of papers will be given to present your valuable scientific studies. In this context, we are honored and pleased to invite you to our congress titled “INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL RECORDS CONGRESS”, which will be held on the zoom on December 3-5, 2021.
President of the Congress
Assoc. Prof. Zulal ONER
2021 Tıp Kongreleri Kategorisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
- Bütüncül Doğum Kongresi 2021
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