International Atlantic Medical Journal of Science Congress
06 Ağustos - 07 Ağustos 2022
Dear Author,
The Covid-19 pandemic has created serious difficulties in the organization and realization of scientific meetings, as in all areas. For this reason, we would like to inform you that we will not be able to hold our congress face-to-face, which will be held for the first time this year.
Our congress, which will be held with the theme of Current Developments in Medical and Health Sciences, will be held online.
The aim of our congress; It is to bring together professionals in Basic and Applied Sciences to share their experiences, research findings and the latest developments in these fields, and to create an ideal academic platform and contribute to the development of the fields of medicine and health sciences. We think that our congress will be an important platform that brings together our friends who are devoted to this field in order to share and discuss the latest professional and scientific developments.
We would be thrilled to see you and have you present at this conference as a speaker to deliver oral presentation on “International The Atlantic Congress of Medical Science and Research – 6-7 August, 2022, Zoom meeting.
Oral presentations will be published in the Atlantic Journal of Medical Science and Research.
With our best regards.
International The Atlantic Congress of Medical Science and Research – Congress Executive
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