IABSE Congress Ghent 2021
22 September - 24 September 2021
Ghent, Belgium
The International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) is a scientific/technical Association comprising members in 100 countries and counting 56 National Groups. The aim of the Association is to exchange knowledge and to advance the practice of structural engineering worldwide in the service of the profession and society. Founded in 1929, IABSE hosted a series of Congresses every four years from 1932 to 2016 and every year from 2019. The IABSE Congress 2021 will be held in Ghent, Belgium, from 22 to 24 September 2021.
The theme of the Congress is “Structural Engineering for Future Societal Needs”, comprising building and maintaining safe and reliable buildings and infrastructures under the effects of climate change in a world with scarcer resources and the ambition to reduce mankind’s CO2 footprint. Future Societal Needs can be divided into two parts, “Structural safety and reliability with respect to climate change” and “Circularity, re-use and sustainability of structures”. The majority of the congress presentations will cover these two sub-themes in normal presentation sessions, poster sessions, poster ”elevator pitch” sessions, discussion sessions, a Pecha Kucha session and special sessions.
This IABSE Congress is organised by the Belgian and Dutch Groups of IABSE in co-operation with Ghent University. Both National Groups are among the earliest IABSE Groups and are very active and productive. This congress will be, respectively, the first and eighth international IABSE event hosted in the BENELUX since the successful IABSE Conference 2013 in Rotterdam and the third IABSE Congress 1948 in Liege. The Organising Committee is chaired by Dr. H.D. Backer from Belgium and Dr. B. Hesselink from the Netherlands, and the Scientific Committee is chaired by B.H.H. Snijder of the Netherlands and Dr. B.D. Pauw of Belgium.
Ghent is called “Europe’s best kept secret” and “the most authentic historic city in the World“. I look forward to welcoming our members and new friends in Ghent, Belgium.
Yaojun Ge
President of IABSE
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