
EMIDWORLD 1. International Congress on Economics Public Finance Business and Social Sciences


09 Kasım - 11 Kasım 2023


Kütahya, Türkiye



Dear Academics and Researchers,

On behalf of organizing committee, we invite you to participate in the “EMIDWORLD 1st International Congress on Economics Public Finance Business & Social Sciences” to be held in 9-11, November 2023 in Kütahya/Türkiye. We welcome academicians, researchers, as well as business and government executives.

EMIDWORLD 1st International Congress on Economics Public Finance Business & Social Sciences is an international academic conference that covers the main fields of Economics, Public Finance and Business. The mission of the EMIDWORLD 1st International Congress on Economics Public Finance Business & Social Sciences is to provide a platform for academics, researchers, business and government administrators from all over the world to present their research results and evaluate innovations, opportunities and prospects in the fields of Economics, Public Finance and Business Administration. This conference also provides excellent opportunities for the participants to exchange new ideas, expertise, and experiences, establish business or research relations, and find partners for future collaboration.

Report prepared of all the economics and administrative sciences may be included in the Congress in line with the peer-review. Participation can be performed with the oral and poster announcements. The congress also has a virtual presentation facility. Future reports in the fields that are not included in the subject headings will also be assessed. The evaluation process for the acceptance of the reports shall be completed within 5 days at the latest and informed.

The official language of the conference is Turkish, including all Turkish dialects and English. The papers will be orally presented in English or Turkish in different sessions which would be arranged by presentation language.

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