British Neuro-Oncology Society Annual Meeting-BNOS 2019

03 July - 05 July 2019

London, United Kingdom
Welcome to British Neuro-Oncology Society 2019 Annual Conference. This event ensures that all those working in neuro-oncology in the UK meet to learn, discuss and impart findings within a friendly and informative atmosphere.

The multidisciplinary role of BNOS is represented by plenary presentations, discussions, debates, sponsored symposia, oral presentations and posters covering a wide variety of topics which may range from stem cells and in-vitro models to classification and biomarkers, neuro-imaging and neurosurgical techniques, immuno-oncology, quality of life and indicators of patient performance.

The Wednesday will play host to the highly regarded “Gliomas Club” showcasing groundbreaking basic science and “Bootcamp” in clinical practice with keynote and invited speakers to be confirmed. Thursday will focus on tumours with various parallel sessions and keynote speeches taking place followed by paediatric neuro-oncology and clinical trial sessions which will be covered on the Friday.

Prizes will be awarded for the best oral and poster presentations. Bursaries are available from BNOS to attend the meeting.

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