
Azerbaijan International Congress on Cardiovascular Diseases


23 Temmuz - 24 Temmuz 2022





Dear colleagues and friends,

On behalf of the Azerbaijan International Congress on Cardiovascular Diseases it is a great honor and my privilege to invite you to the Azerbaijan International Congress on Cardiovascular Diseases online Session (Conference), which will be held in July 2022.

We are living in a time of unprecedented uncertainty, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. However, I sincerely trust that health care professionals must stay calm and carry on our devotion to study and train during these times. After careful and thoughtful consideration, we have decided to hold a fully virtual conference that will include all aspects of cardiothoracic surgery and related specialities.

This program will be composed of various parallel sessions, symposiums, debates etc. Young investigators and researchers will have opportunity to present their research. The scientific program will include issues related to problems of pediatric and adult cardiac surgery, pediatric and adult cardiology, anesthesiology, cardiac intensive care, pediatric and other related specialities. Guest speakers from Azerbaijan and Turkey, and special invited guest speakers from foreign countries will present their lectures in different aspects of their research: surgery for congenital and accuaried heart diseases, coronary disease, vascular pathology, surgical and interventional aritmiology, endovascular diagnosis and treatment, including hybrid surgery.

Once again, thank you all for your active participation at the Azerbaijan International Congress on Cardiovascular Diseases Online Conference and we hope you find value in your time by interacting with one another during this upcoming academic event.

My best wishes to all of you!

Prof. Dr. Kamran Kazimoglu Musayev

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