ARUD 2023-Balkan States Anesthesia Days-VIII
28 Nisan - 30 Nisan 2023
Ankara, Türkiye
Dear Colleagues,
The Anesthesiology and Reanimation Specialists’ Society (ARUD) Balkan Countries Anesthesia Days, which started in 2014 in Pristina, the capital of Kosovo, with the participation of our colleagues from the Balkan countries, took place in the past in the form of 7 meetings, the last one being online, in 6 different cities in 5 different countries. In this unique international congress initiated by our esteemed colleague and former ARUD president Prof Dr Meral Kanbak, our society will embrace you for the 8th time with our colleagues and friends from all Balkan countries in Ankara, the symbol of the power of democracy in Turkey and where the foundations of the republic were laid, on the 100th anniversary of the proclamation of our republic. In our congress, where we invited our colleagues from the Balkan countries as well as from other countries;in addition to the exchange of information, friendly relations that will contribute to the promotion of the participating countries will continue as usual.
As it coincides with a very special and meaningful period for our country, our theme in our eighth congress will be “Anesthesia and Intensive Care in the Light of the 100th Anniversary of our Republic”.
After the pandemic, we continue our work with the joy of getting healthy and bright days again. We are already excited by the desire to see you together with our valuable speakers and guests on 28-30 April 2023 in the meeting halls of Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, one of the most established universities of our country.
Our esteemed colleagues, we will be honored and happy to welcome you together with our congress secretary Prof Onur ÖZLÜ, MD, vice president Prof Sumru ŞEKERCI, MD, Prof Dilek ÜNAL, MD, Assoc Prof Ezgi ERKILIÇ, MD, Assoc Prof Gülten ÜTEBEY, MD and Eda BALCI, MD.
Best regards.
Prof. Feyhan ÖKTEN, MD
2023 Tıp Kongreleri Kategorisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
- 44. Türk Ulusal Kulak Burun Boğaz ve Baş Boyun Cerrahisi Kongresi
15 Kasım - 19 Kasım 2023, Antalya - Enjeksiyon Kampı Campinject Splendid 2023
10 Kasım - 12 Kasım 2023, Antalya - 14. Annual Meeting of The Balkan Academy of Forensic Sciences
05 Ekim - 08 Ekim 2023, İstanbul - 21. Nefroloji Kış Okulu
09 Mart - 12 Mart 2023, Antalya - 11. Annual Meet the Experts of Transplantation and Myeloma-EBMT and TCT
05 Mayıs - 06 Mayıs 2023, Antalya

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