Adult Degenerative Scoliosis Meeting 2019
08 Mart - 09 Mart 2019
İstanbul, Türkiye
Koç Üniversitesi Hastanesi
It is our great pleasure to invite you the “Adult Degenerative Scoliosis Meeting 2019” which will be held at the Koç University Hospital in Istanbul between March 8-9, 2019.
This year, the ‘ADS Meeting 2019′ will be endorsed by Middle East Spine Society, European Spine Journal and ecceLearning. The meeting aims to reach a greater audience, thus contribute to the spine education in our area more effectively.
This meeting is just “intense”, and full of excellent lectures from prominent experts, results of implementation of new procedures, case discussions, debate sessions, video demonstrations, and workshops from industry. Disregarding their level of experience, the audience will have opportunity to learn from the esteemed experts of the area, exchange their ideas, network, and hopefully obtain a higher level of competence when they back to home.
The location of our meeting is Istanbul, one of the most historical, beautiful and exotic capital cities of the world. We really hope that it will endow us with many precious and long-lasting memories to cherish.
We look forward to seeing you in Istanbul in March 2019.
2019 Tıp Kongreleri Kategorisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
- 3. International Expermed Congress
11 Nisan - 14 Nisan 2019, K.K.T.C. - Uluslararası Cerrahi Ameliyathane Sterilizasyon ve Enfeksiyon Kontrol Hemşireliği Kongresi
21 Şubat - 24 Şubat 2019, Antalya - Klinik Biyokimya Uzmanları Derneği Hematoloji Testlerinde Preanalitik Evre Sempozyumu
15 Mart 2019, İstanbul - 11. Klinik Enteral Parenteral Nütrisyon Kongresi-KEPAN 2019
27 Mart - 31 Mart 2019, Antalya - Kronik Enflamasyon ve Oksidatif Stres Mitokondriyal Tıp Kongresi
10 Ekim - 13 Ekim 2019, İzmir içeriklerine ve tüm rapor ekranlarına sınırsız erişim için abonelik paketlerimizi inceleyebilirsiniz.
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