ACPGBI 2019 Annual Meeting

01 July - 03 July 2019

Dublin, Ireland
We are delighted to invite you to ACPGBI’s 2019 annual meeting taking place in Dublin. We will be returning to the state of the art CCD (Convention Centre Dublin) located in the centre of the city surrounded by good hotels, restaurants, and of course, those famous Irish pubs where friendship and hospitality abound.

We are developing a very stimulating programme exploring the themes of Research, Innovation, Quality Outcomes, Early Colorectal Cancer, Advanced Malignancy, Pelvic Floor and Proctology.

We hope you will join us for what promises to be an exciting programme, to catch up with old, and new friends.

Brendan Moran, President
Charles Maxwell-Armstrong, Honorary Secretary
Nicola Fearnhead, President-Elect
Steven Brown, President in Waiting

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