9. Turkish Conference on Earthquake Engineering-9TCEE
02 Haziran - 03 Haziran 2021
On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to invite you to the 9th Turkish Conference on Earthquake Engineering (9TCEE) to be conducted virtually on 2-3 June, 2021.
Since the first symposium in 1985, National Earthquake Engineering Conference has become one of the most prestigious conference series in Turkey on earthquake engineering organized by Turkish National Committee on Earthquake Engineering (TNCEE) and Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers Istanbul Branch. TNCEE continues its activities under Turkish Earthquake Foundation (TEF) as TEF Earthquake Engineering Committee since March 2009. The 9th conference, for the first time, will be organized as ‘International’ and will be entitled as 9th Turkish Conference on Earthquake Engineering (9TCEE).
9TCEE will provide an international forum for scientists, engineers, industrial partners and practitioners to present and discuss the state-of-the-practice, recent advances and future perspectives in earthquake engineering. The conference also gives a special emphasis to the resilience-oriented performance-based design and assessment concepts which have recently been a hot topic in Turkey and world literature.
We look forward to meeting you during 9TCEE where distinguished researchers will participate as keynote speakers.
2021 Mühendislik Kongreleri Kategorisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
- 10. International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering
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15 Ekim 2021, Online - Türkiye 11. Uluslararası Mermer ve Doğal Taş Kongresi ve Sergisi-MERSEM 2021
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04 Kasım - 07 Kasım 2021, Antalya
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