
9. International Emergency and Internal Medicine Congress


17 Kasım - 20 Kasım 2022





Dear Colleagues,

We are delighted to announce you the 9th edition of International Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine an event jointly organized by emergency medicine physicians and internist. This congress will introduce new practices in Emergency and Internal Medicine. The 9th edition of International Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine Congress will take place from 17 to 20 November 2022 in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

The symposium is held by Serbian Emergency Physicians Society, Emergency Physicians Association of Turkey, Ukrainian Doctors and Pharmacists Association for Continuing Education, Shupyk National Medical Academy Of Postgraduate Education Ambulance Staff. Physicians from these countries are expected to attend to 9th edition of International Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine. Physicians from Turkey, Ukraine, Serbia, Georgia, Hungary and Azerbaijan, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus are expected to join us at the symposium.

The 9th edition of International Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine Congress will be a platform where we will share the developments and experiences in the fields of emergency medicine and internist with doctors in other countries. The symposium program will include the applications of emergency medicine and internal medicine will be discussed, as well as courses and topics on emergency medicine and internal medicine.

We cordially invite you to join us at the 9th edition of International Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine Congress meeting of emergency physicians and internist practitioners, to be held from 17 to 20 November 2022 in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Kind regards,

Prof. Dr. Başar CANDER
Congress Chairman

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