8. Multidisciplinary Cancer Research Congress

15 Ocak - 17 Ocak 2021


Dear Basic Cancer Researchers,

As a national member of EACR (European Association for Cancer Research, MOKAD (Molecular Cancer Research Association in Turkey) executive committee are pleased to announce 8th Multidisciplinary Cancer Research Congress to be held on Jan 15 – 17, 2021. This online congress will focus on current advancements in basic cancer research. The congress provides a platform for young and renowned researchers come together to discuss, present and showcase high-quality research and exchange of ideas on a range of fundamental and applied topics in the area of cancer research.

Young researchers will have opportunity to present their own research during open slots for short talks and poster sessions. Online Interactions with cancer field scientists will give chance for young scientist candidates to improve their research subjects and broaden their horizon. The congress also includes a half day-workshop which is intended for participants to gain some experience on cancer bioinformatics that is an extremely hot topic in current oncology.

We hope that this virtual event will be beneficial and provide an excellent online platform for cancer researchers. Do not miss the leaders of the field!

With all our best wishes

On Behalf of Organising Committee

Head of Congress
Prof. Dr. Engin Ulukaya

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