7. World Heart Failure Congress-WHFS 2023
KONGRE TARİHİ04 Mayıs - 07 Mayıs 2023
Belek, Antalya, Türkiye
Cornelia Diamond Golf Resort Hotel
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the World Heart Failure Society, Scientific and Local Organizing Committee, we are pleased to announce the 7th World Heart Failure Congress will take place at Cornelia De Luxe Resort in Antalya, Turkey from 04 to 07 May, 2023.
This meeting is expected to bring together leading experts, cardiologists, internists, cardiovascular surgeons from all over the world. The 4 days scientific programme covers the outstanding topics and provides a comprehensive update about all aspects, four stages of heart failure including epidemiology and prognosis, new diagnostic modalities of heart failure, atrial fibrillation and arrhythmias, treatment and prevention of heart failure, hypertension and pulmonary hypertension in heart failure etc. New drugs used in acute and chronic heart failure will also be discussed in detail. Device therapies with cardiac resynchronization therapy, CRT-ICD, ultrafiltration, left ventricular assist devices, interatrial shunt device and cardiac rehabilitation will also be part of the scientific programme.
On behalf of the Scientific Committee, we kindly ask you to invite all members of your Cardiac Society to be active participant as well as to submit abstract(s) from the congress website ( Original clinical and basic science investigations, national epidemiological data, novel techniques and methods and also interesting clinical cases related to heart failure and its comorbid conditions will be accepted for the evaluation of abstract presentations. We also believe that your active participation through the submission of your abstract so to share your knowledge or research findings would greatly contribute to the success of this high quality meeting. You may also find more useful information about scientific programme and online abstract submission process through the congress website. Abstracts are invited and are accepted in either oral or poster presentation formats.
The Congress Venue is located in the Antalya, largest Turkish city on the Mediterranean coast outside the Aegean region with over one million people in its metropolitan area and the biggest international sea resort. During the meeting, you will have the opportunity to discover Antalya with the beauty of the golden beaches, rich city history and relaxing atmosphere.
We look forward to welcoming you in Antalya. Do not miss out on taking part.
Prof. Dr. Babak Sharif-Kashani
Prof. Dr. Mehdi Zoghi
Scientific Secretariat
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Kategori İçerisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
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