
7. World Engineers Convention-WEC 2023


11 October - 13 October 2023


Prague, Czech Republic



The Czech Association of Scientific and Technical Societies (CSVTS) in collaboration with the World Federation of Engineering Organizations will hold the 7th World Engineers Convention WEC 2023 which will take place in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, in October 2023.

We cordially invite all engineers, academic staff and research workers, students and others who are interested in vocational and social programmes of this Convention.

The goal of the Convention is the meeting of participants to get acquainted with professional competences of engineers, up-to-date news of industry and research from around the world and readiness for our global society to solve current and future problems for the sustainable development of human civilization, contained in the eight UN sustainable development goals which need to be reached by 2030.

The Czech Republic and Prague welcomes all participants for the technical discussions and accompanying programmes.
We are ready to create a friendly environment and meet the best conditions for the exchange of technical information and experience, including a social programme.

We look forward to meeting in Prague, in the Czech Republic on October 9, 2023!

Daniel Hanus
WEC 2023 Chairman

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