7. İstanbul Urolithiasis Days
02 Aralık - 03 Aralık 2022
İstanbul, Türkiye
The Marmara Taksim Hotel
Dear colleagues,
On behalf of the organizing committee, we are very pleased to invite you to the "VII. İstanbul Urolithiasis Days”, which will be held in person in “The Marmara Taksim Hotel, Istanbul” on December 02-03, 2022.
With this symposium we aimed to encourage scientific exchange regarding every aspect of new advances and researches in urolithiasis. Scientific developments and clinical applications in the pathophysiology, diagnosis, metabolic evaluation, medical and surgical treatment of stone disease will be discussed in detail during the keynote lectures, round table discussions, oral/poster presentation sessions and live surgery demonstrations. We tried to gather an excellent faculty of international brand name experts to share their valuable experiences during two-day meeting.
Our kind invitation is not only solely for urologists but also, we will be very happy to see our dear friends dealing with stone disease by working on adult/pediatric nephrology, pediatrics, dietary management and basic research departments.
We sincerely invite you to join us in Istanbul, the only city in the world set on two continents, offering a blend of the East and West, the traditional and the modern. We are confident that participants of ‘VII. Istanbul Urolithiasis Days’ will enjoy the fascinating and stimulating city of Istanbul.
We look forward to meeting you and extending the traditionally famed Turkish hospitality in "City Irresistanbul" and believe that “VII. Istanbul Urolithiasis Days 2022” will be a great success from both scientific and social aspects in a city where the continents meet.
Kemal SARICA M.D., PhD
Professor of Urology
Chairman of the Organizing Committee
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