7. International Congress of Nematology-ICN 2022

01 May - 06 May 2022

Dear participants,

The Seventh International Congress of Nematology meeting dates have once again been rescheduled due to the coronavirus situation. The 7th ICN 2020 will be held 1-6 May 2022 at the Palais des Congres in Antibes Juan-Les-Pins (France).

This decision was proposed by the meeting organizers in consultation with the European Society of Nematologists. Representatives of the 18 nematology societies comprising the Congress met and agreed unanimously that the change is necessary because of continuing uncertainty about when travel and meeting restrictions will end, and when most people will decide it is again safe to travel. All societies rejected the option of cancelling the 7th ICN, because it is the only nematology meeting fully organized, funded and ready to occur when the pandemic ends. Most other 2021 on-site, international conferences are rescheduling to 2022 for similar reasons.

The scientific program will be maintained as nearly as possible in its current form, but with revised dates. Authors will have the opportunity to revise their original abstracts and session organizers will have the ability to review and revise their agendas. We kindly ask authors not to contact us at this time as conference arrangements are being adjusted. More information will be sent in due course...

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