6. Wonca East Mediterranean Region Family Medicine Congress

21 March - 23 March 2019

Beirut, Lebanon
The year 1979 witnessed the birth of Family Medicine in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) when the American University of Beirut initiated the first training program of the discipline in the region. During these forty years, Family Medicine training programs, with widely varied and diverse curriculum, got established in almost all the countries of the region; Family Practice got recognized as the best model to provide Universal Health Coverage, creating the need for more family physicians in the region. At the same time, the huge advances in medical sciences and technologies have led to the emergence of sub-subspecialties going deeper and deeper into the human body organs, and of super-specialized equipments and tools providing high tech medical care. Family physicians are facing the growing challenges of maintaining the integrity of the human being while bridging the increasing gaps between specialists, and of providing humane medical care while keeping up with technological advances. So, let us get our heads together, share experiences and lessons and find out how family physicians in the EMR region can “Bridge Gaps and Pave Future” of health care delivery. Our meeting will be at the Sixth Regional WONCA EMR conference that will be held in Hotel Phoenicia Beirut from March 21-23, 2019. There will be presentation of up to date evidence- based information, workshops and the launching of the working and special interest group to facilitate the communication and networking of people sharing similar medical interest.

Looking forward to welcoming you in Beirut

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