6. MENA-SINO Meeting 2021
22 Ekim - 24 Ekim 2021
İstanbul, Türkiye
Dear MENA-SINO Colleagues,
After continuing to monitor the current trajectory and impact of COVID-19, the MENA-SINO Board of Directors has made the decision that it is impossible to see each other in person.
However, we try to organize it Hybrid. We are delighted to invite you to the 6th MENA-SINO Congress in İstanbul, which will be held virtually-Hybrid on 22-24 October 2021.
Since 2013, the MENA-SINO is playing an active role in the progress of Stroke and neuro-interventional practice on local, regional, continental, and international levels.
MENA-SINO congress is the leading forum in MENA, Turkey, and the Asian region for advances in research and clinical care of patients with endovascular treatment of cerebrovascular diseases, Vascular Neurology, Neurocritical Care, Neurosonology, Stroke Prevention, Intravenous thrombolysis. In Istanbul Congress recorded or Live Case transmissions will be available.
The scientific program is outstanding, with high standard courses, distinguished speakers from all over the world, and highly educational and fascinating presentations. I strongly believe that these sessions and courses will guide our young neuro-interventionalists and stroke specialists, expanding their intellects, strengthening their technical skills, introducing them to a new era with a brighter future. The Fellowship Program under the MENA-SINO umbrella and possible tracks will be discussed in detail. All neuro interventionalist, neurologists, radiologists, and neurosurgeons are invited to MENA-SINO Congress. All current registrations are valid.
We look forward to you all joining us.
Congress Organization Committee
MENA-SINO President
2021 Tıp Kongreleri Kategorisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
- 2. Kronik ve Metabolik Hastalıklar Ulusal Kongresi
07 Mayıs - 09 Mayıs 2021, Online - Ozon ve Rejeneratif Terapiler Kongresi 2021
04 Haziran - 06 Haziran 2021, Ankara - 6. Multipl Sklerozda Kognisyon Sempozyumu
13 Kasım - 14 Kasım 2021, İzmir - 9. Türkiye EKMUD Uluslararası Bilimsel Platformu
20 Mayıs - 23 Mayıs 2021, Online - İnflamasyon Köprüsü 2021
16 Aralık - 19 Aralık 2021, K.K.T.C.
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