5. International Turkish Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy-TURCMOS 2022
29 Ocak - 30 Ocak 2022
We cordially invite you to 5th TURCMOS which will be held online (via ZOOM) between 29-30 January 2022 (Saturday & Sunday). The scope of the congress is to encourage the exchange of ideas and future collaborations all around the world, introduce new techniques and instruments, and present recent developments in this field of research.
In TURCMOS 2022, all aspects of spectroscopic methods as well as related computational and theoretical approaches will be considered. Our participants will also have benefit from a broad range of spectroscopy applications. Contacts between young researchers (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) and prominent experts will be particularly stimulated, aiming at the development of future collaborations. We are sure that the congress will provide a stimulating environment for many interesting scientific discussions. This time, we are looking forward to hosting you online where the globe meets.
Ozan Unsalan (Chair for TURCMOS)
2022 Fen Bilimleri Kongreleri Kategorisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
- 13. Chemical Physics Congress-CPC13
07 Ekim - 08 Ekim 2022, Elazığ - 7. International Congress on Biomaterials and Biosensors-BIOMATSEN 2022
22 Nisan - 28 Nisan 2022, Muğla - 10. Uluslararası İlaç Kimyası Kongresi
10 Mart - 13 Mart 2022, Antalya - 7. International Congress on Applied Biological Sciences-ICABS
01 Kasım - 02 Kasım 2022, Adana - 12. International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress and Exhibition-APMAS 2022
13 Ekim - 19 Ekim 2022, Muğla

Online (Çevrim içi)
olarak düzenlenecek olan kongre ve sempozyumlara farklı arama seçenekleri ile kolayca ulaşabilirsiniz.