5. International Leather Engineering Congress-IAFLI 2019
KONGRE TARİHİ10 Ekim - 12 Ekim 2019
İzmir, Türkiye
While the recent advances in product development and technology has changed our lives, the leather as the oldest dress of mankind has also been changed into an article designed by fasion and high technology. The aspects of current perspective push us to create advanced and functional leather materials with the collective work of different branches of science and industry. Remarkable developments on tanning-processing technology, machinary, chemicals, environmental management of the waste and wastewaters, leather design and fashion have been achieved so far. However, we all know that there is still a long way ahead to go through many challanges related with the technology, environment and competition with other sectors. To achieve this, the exhange of new ideas and to increase the awareness and knowledge on recent developments both in theoretical and practical points of leather making are crucial.
Therefore, we would like to invite you to attend the 5. Leather Engineering Congress (IAFLI 2019) to be held on 10-11 October 2019 included social activity on 12th October in the beautiful and historical atmosphere of İzmir city which is a perfect platform to discuss the “Innovative Aspects for Leather Industry”.
Official language of the congress will be English and Turkish. (There will be simultaneously translation)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Ata KARAVANA
President of the Congress
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Kategori İçerisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
- 14. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi
17 Nisan - 20 Nisan 2019, İzmir - Türkiye 10. Uluslararası Mermer ve Doğal Taş Kongresi ve Sergisi-MERSEM 2019
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26 Nisan - 28 Nisan 2019, Antalya - 19. Ulusal Makina Teorisi Sempozyumu-UMTS 2019
04 Eylül - 06 Eylül 2019, Hatay - 72. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı
28 Ocak - 01 Şubat 2019, Ankara içeriklerine ve tüm rapor ekranlarına sınırsız erişim için abonelik paketlerimizi inceleyebilirsiniz.
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