5. International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences-CMES 2021
08 Haziran - 10 Haziran 2021
Van, Türkiye
Dear Respected Academics and Researchers,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to announce that The Fifth International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Engineering Sciences (CMES-2021) will be held in Van Yüzüncü Yıl University from 08-10 June 2021 in Van.
Online Presentations
Due to COVID-19 pandemic situation we have online presentation, if you want to present your paper online, you should select online presentation during registration. All registered participants will receive a participation certificate and it will be sent via email.CMES-2021 provides an ideal academic platform for researchers and professionals to discuss recent developments in both theoretical and applied mathematics, and in engineering sciences. This event aims also to stimulate interaction in the field of computational mathematics and its applications in science and engineering, to present developments in all these areas, and to showcase the computational expertise of our invited speakers and participants.
You can find more information about this event on the webpage of CMES-2021:
www.cmescongress.orgAll the papers are subject to rigorous peer-review by at least two members of scientific committee or additional reviewers.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Van / Turkey.
With our best regards,
Organising Committee of CMES-2021
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