5. International Conference on Computation for Science and Technology-ICCST 2018
23 Eylül - 26 Eylül 2018
Antalya, Türkiye
Hotel Su
The International Conference on Computation for Science and Technology (ICCST) is an international major biennial event that have been organized different countries in Asia-Pacific region since 2010. It has the fascinating scope to promote and disseminate advances in computational methods for basic sciences, engineering, health sciences (drug discovery), and related disciplines.
The 5th International Conference on Computation for Science and Technology (ICCST 2018) will take place September 23-26, 2018 in Antalya, Turkey at the Hotel Su.
Building on the previous successful ICCST meetings, which were organized in Thailand (2010), Turkey (2012), Indonesia (2014), and Malaysia (2016), this conference will also foster and stimulate international scientific exchange and collaboration of the researchers such as computer aided drug design, computational chemistry, computational physics, computational biology, computational mathematics, computational mechanics for solids and structures, computational fluid dynamics, computational heat transfer, computational inverse problem, computational meso/micro/nano mechanics, computational penetration mechanics, molecular and quantum methods, information technology, etc.
The symposium will focus on:
Computer Aided Drug Design and Development
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Computational Chemistry and Cheminformatics
Computational Engineering and Mathematics
Computational Fluid Dynamics and Solid Mechanics
Computational Material Science
Computational Nanoscience
Computational Physics
The conference venue will be one of the well-known 5 stars Hotel Su in Antalya and the scientific program of the Conference will include invited lectures, oral communications, and poster presentations.The Scientific Program of the Conference will be held as three parallel sessions be appropriated to the basic sciences, engineering, and health sciences in order to give chance to present maximum number of oral communications for discussing on their participated fields.
The symposium will take place in Antalya providing to have a chance to the participants to appreciate one of the charming holiday city at the Mediterranean Sea Coast.
We cordially invite you to participate to the 5th ICCST 2018 in this attractive Mediterranean Sea Coast city, Antalya that sheltered ancient ruins at the surroundings as well as possessing important historical museums to visit.
Antalya is located on the Mediterranean Coast off Turkey, while you can experience the beauty of the Turkish Riviera, the city also has a rich history dating back to around 150 BC when it was founded as “Attaleia” by Attalos II, King of Pergamon.
Antalya, which can be visited any season, is an indispensable touristic destination particularly during the summer. This “blue” city enchants its guests with its beautiful beaches and has the longest coastline in Turkey.
It is our intention to make this biennial Conference a memorable event both scientifically and socially for the attendees.
We look forward to your active participation
Prof. Ismail Yalcin (Ankara University)
Chair of the 5th ICCST ConferenceProf. Dr. Esin Aki-Yalcin (Ankara University)
Co-Chair of the 5th ICCST Conference
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