41. Annual Society for Mental Health Research Conference-SMHR 2019
27 November - 29 November 2019
Melbourne, Australia
It is our pleasure to invite you to Melbourne, Victoria for the 41st Annual Society for Mental Health Research (SMHR) Conference, which will be held at the RACV City Club in Melbourne. The Conference will run from 27 to 29 November 2019. There will be a number of exciting workshops offered at locations around Melbourne.
The theme for this year’s meeting is “towards mental wellness”. We chose this theme because it reflects the overarching aim of the research we conduct, as well as the importance we must place on our own mental wellbeing as clinicians, researchers and students. Following from last year’s conference theme of “collaboration”, we aim to encourage and foster inclusive, supportive and innovative collaboration. Special panel discussions and an interactive ‘research pitch’ event will address this aim and be highlights of this year’s SMHR. Clinical and research colleagues from around Australia and abroad will discuss and debate the biggest challenges facing mental health research and translation in contemporary society bringing us “towards mental wellness”.
Over the years SMHR has brought together people and organisations from all over Australia who share the common goal of improving the lives of people afflicted by mental illness and this year is no different. In addition to our membership, we welcome researchers from the broader health and medical sciences too, as we recognise the interplay between physical and mental health.
In 2019 the SMHR Conference will feature an exciting and comprehensive program that includes international and national keynote and plenary speakers at the forefront of science and innovation in mental health research. The Conference will also showcase upcoming leaders in mental health, with a range of free papers, Conference symposia, and a dynamic early career program.
SMHR specifically encourages the involvement of early career researchers in the Conference, providing them with a friendly and supportive environment in which to present their research and to develop their research communication skills. Travel fellowships, reduced Conference rates and a range of accommodation options are available for this year’s Conference. In addition, the Conference will be preceded by workshops providing training across a broad range of topics, as well as both formal and informal events, and the famously enjoyable social program.
We invite you to submit an abstract and share your exciting and innovative research with other researchers, students, those with lived experience, caregivers, clinicians, and policy makers. If you are a regular SMHR Conference attendee, we ask that you encourage your colleagues, students, and others to attend this year’s conference and share with them the amazing research and networking opportunities that will be on offer.
On behalf of the SMHR Executive and Organising Committee we look forward to your participation in SMHR 2019 in Melbourne this November.
Dr Kelly Allott and Dr Nicholas Van Dam (Co-Conveners)
Professor Frances Kay-Lambkin (SMHR President)
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