4. International Science and Innovation Congress-INSI 2023
27 Temmuz - 30 Temmuz 2023
Dear Colleagues and Scientists,
IV. International Science and Innovation Congress (INSI 2023) will be ONLINE (virtual) on 27-30/07/2023. INSI 2023 is a multidisciplinary conference. We believe that the participants who will take part in our international quality conference will contribute to their scientific studies by sharing their knowledge and experience in various fields.
The Conference will consist of oral presentations. Presentation languages are Turkish or English. The main topics of the congress are given in below;
Engineering Sciences
Science and Maths
Health SciencesThe presentations will be held in virtual conference halls in English or Turkish. Presentation language will be preferred by the presenters. Also, the Abstract and the Full Text (Full Text is not necessary) of the Presented Papers will be published in the proceedings as e-books.
We will be happy and honored to see you at our conference.
2023 Multidisipliner Çalışmalar Kongreleri Kategorisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
- Avrasya 11. Uluslararası Uygulamalı Bilimler Kongresi
27 Mayıs - 28 Mayıs 2023, Ankara - 11. Uluslararası Bilimsel Çalışmalar Kongresi-UBCAK 2023
02 Mayıs - 03 Mayıs 2023, Online - 8. International Aegean Conferences
23 Eylül - 25 Eylül 2023, İzmir - 10. Uluslararası Başkent Fen Sosyal ve Sağlık Bilimleri Kongreleri
28 Ekim - 30 Ekim 2023, Ankara - 5. International Blacksea Modern Scientific Research Congress
08 Kasım - 10 Kasım 2023, Rize
Kongre Otelleri
hakkında bilgi alarak, farklı filtreleme seçenekleriyle kongre otellerini detaylıca arayabilirsiniz.