4. Asya Pasifik Rekonstrüktif Mikrocerrahi Kongresi, Ulusal Rekonstrüktif Mikrocerrahi Kongresi
09 Mayıs - 13 Mayıs 2018
Antalya, Türkiye
Gloria Hotel and Convention Center
Dear Colleagues,
The 4th Congress of Asian Pasific Federation of Societies for Microsurgery in conjunction with the 8th National Congress of the Turkish Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery (TSRM) will be held on May 9-13, 2018 in Antalya, Turkey. After very succesful meetings of Singapour, Korea and China, we are honored to host this prestigious Congress in Antalya as The Turkish Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery.
As the city of sun, sea, sport and science, Antalya is Turkey's biggest international sea resort, located on the Turkish Riviera with sandy beaches, ancient historic sites and lively nightlife. The city is also host to significant scientific practices like the first face and bilateral hand transplantation in Turkey which had been succesfully accomplished at the Akdeniz University.
The Congress will be rich and fruitful, the sessions will focus on the most recent scientific findings in the area of microsurgery and will bring together the best and the brightest surgeons in the specialty, poised to share their expertise with colleagues. We think that it will be a very good educational and networking event, for both domestic and international microsurgeons.
We look forward to your participation to this important event in Antalya.
Prof Taçkın Özalp, M.D.
President of APFSRM 2018
President of APFSRM
President of TSRMProf Sühan Ayhan, M.D
Co-chair of APFSRM 2018
2018 Tıp Kongreleri Kategorisindeki Benzer Etkinlikler
- Yaşlı Hastalarda Göğüs Cerrahisi Sempozyumu
30 Mart - 31 Mart 2018, Adana - Acil Tıpta Geleneksel ve Tamamlayıcı Tıp Uygulamaları Sempozyumu
02 Aralık 2018, İstanbul - 14. Ulusal Onkolojik Araştırmalar Çalıştayı
14 Kasım - 18 Kasım 2018, Antalya - Uludağ 2018 KBB Günleri
02 Mart - 04 Mart 2018, Bursa - 4. Uluslararası Biyosidal Kongresi
25 Mart - 29 Mart 2018, Antalya
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