
3. International Printing Technology Symposium-PrintIstanbul 2019


10 Ekim - 12 Ekim 2019


İstanbul, Türkiye



Dear Participants,

We would like to invite you to participate to the 3rd International Printing Technology Symposium (PrintIstanbul) 2019, which will be held between 10 – 12 October 2019 at Istanbul / Turkey with your poster or oral presentation or as audience. Symposium will be hosted and organized by the Marmara University, School of Applied Sciences, Department of Printing Technologies.

The symposium is an international scientific activity for academicians, teachers and educators. The aim of the symposium is to bring together at the different disciplinary research and industrial institutions. Besides this symposium will provide sharing knowledge and researches between scientists to improve developments in science and technology.

It is expected that academicians from different countries of the world who are participate in PrintIstanbul / Turkey 2019 to be held. The presentation language of the symposium is Turkish and English. All of the presented papers at the symposium will be published on-line and in print in the Symposium Proceedings Book.

For more information about PrintIstanbul 2019, please visit our symposium website at You can contact us at [email protected] for all your questions about the symposium.

Thank you for your interest and participation in the symposium, We look forward to seeing you in Istanbul / Turkey between 10-12 October 2019.

Yours Sincerely

On behalf of the PrintIstanbul 2019 Organizing Committee

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Akgül

Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Oğuz

(The Symposium Chairmen)

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