3. International Human Microbiota Congress 2019
07 Kasım - 09 Kasım 2019
İstanbul, Türkiye
İstanbul Medipol University
Dear Colleagues,
Advances in medicine and technology suggest that a healthy life is closely related to the healthy body, especially the intestinal microbiota. Now we are aware that we carry about 100 trillion bacteria, fungi, parasites, etc. and quadrillions (= 1024) of viruses on and in our body. All of these microbes and viruses are called microbiota. Microbiota is thought by some researchers as a new organ. Detailed studies on the bacterial part of microbiota have been made in recent years. İncluding the “Human Microbiota Project” initiated by the US National Institute of Health.
It is not known exactly, what is it having a healthy microbiota. However, researches show that many chronic diseases such as obesity, Type II diabetes, asthma, inflammatory bowel diseases (IBS), neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric diseases, autoimmune diseases, psoriasis, some types of cancers, osteoporosis, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases are related to microbiota. Although the microbiota alterations (dysbiosis) causing the diseases may be due to various reasons such as nutrition, environmental toxins, epigenetics, changes in immune system and metabolism. The frequent and unnecessary use of antibiotics and other pharmacuticals may have a place in the pathogenesis of developing antibiotic resistant microorganisms and dysbiosis. The microbiological pre/probiotics commonly used in recent years also have to be investigated with randomized controlled trials for their effects on the immue system, prevention and treatment of acute or chronic diseases.
The effects of delivery method, place of birth, pregnancy complications, nutrition during pregnancy and early life and dietary foods on microbiota are now very well known. Researchers have shown that intestinal microbiota changes even in a day when diets containing high fat and sugary foods replaced the low fat, high fiber diets. These changes in microbiota also lead us to a debate about what we eat and what we should not eat for a healthy microbiota.
While the influence of microbiota on health and diseases has now been shaped, there are many questions that are searched for. The 3rd International Congress on Human Microbiota and Health Effects will be organized by YİSAV between 07-09 November 2019 in Istanbul in order to transfer new knowledge about microbiota which we consider to be very important, not only to the colleagues working on this field but also colleagues working in different fields. This congress will give the opportunity to listen the current developments from a large number of scientists from different countries who are very important researchers on microbiota.
YISAV is a non-profit non-governmental organization, mostly known for the projects on reproductive health, maternal and fetal medicine . The scientific program of the congress has been prepared by a very prominent Scientific Committee, which is formed by our academic colleagues in different fields, each of them is a very important value in their field. The congress is supported by Hacettepe and İstanbul Medipol Universities of Turkey.
We would like to invite you to participate to this important congress, to contribute, and to share your scientific researches with free presentations and posters.
We would like to express our gratitude and respects on behalf of Scientific Committee and look forward to meeting you at the congress which will be held between 07- 09 November 2019 in İstanbul.
YISAV and Congress Co-President (Turkey)Prof. Peter C. KONTUREK
Congress Co-President (Germany)
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